Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Human Rights vs Animal Rights

The following photos are for brutal actions toward animals. It is awful isn't it.....??!!!

These must put to an end isn't it.!!!!?
What about the following Photos...!!!

Chemicals and oils on the body of Iraqi civilian in Abu Ghraib prison by USA soldiers
Wired Iraqi civilian in AbouGrieb prison by USA soldiers
Sodomized Iraqi men by the hand of American soldiers (the intruders of Iraq)
Raped girl in Iraq by American Soldiers
Raped girl in Iraq by American Soldiers

A Palestine girl after a brutal attack on her by Israeli Soldiers
Israeli soldier tortorring a rock-throwing kid in Palestine
A child in Palestine shotted by Israeli soldiers
Striping and getting a women naked infront of people by Israeli soldiers in Palestine Raping a women by a number of American Soldiers in Iraq

What do U think of these people, what do think for the victims that all they have dignity and are saying No in the face of intruders

Same persons that stand with animal rights ......did what you just reviewed.
On an online news of Israel exclaims that someone must stop the brutal actions toward animals. They post the following photo
(Donkey used in Hamas terror attack)

This is a screen shot for the Israel online news

They state that how prophet Mohamed (prophet of Islamic religion) forbid animal abuse while Hamas "the Islamic gunmen defending Palestine" used this donkey in their terrorist action, in this inhuman way.!!!

Of course what Israeli did, from abuse, rape, torture, killing and complete damage of Palestinians villages are not against human rights, and don't count...????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

صور قاسية واذا لم اكن اكره الاسرالين والادارة الامريكية المتواطئة لكرهتهم اكثر. ارجو ان يمر علي مدونتك كثر حول العالم ليروا ماذا يحدث. ويعرفوا بالبرهان الساطع علي من يلقي اللوم ومن هم الارهابيون

سامى فؤاد المصري

Anonymous said...

My best friend
Thank u 4 that effort
I can't say a word but the photos say too much I hope every one will know and feel and to take a positive action
We must not just Cray but we must act positively

Anonymous said...

مزيدا من الصور التي تفضح ليس فقط الصهاينة والامركان ، بل تفضح الخسة والعهر العربي والخنوع الذي يسيطر علي حكامنا ، شكرا علي الدعوة لدخول المدونة وسارسلها لكل اعضاء جروب الوكوفية الفلسطينية وجروب الشاعر اسماعيل بدر
لكي مني التحية
محمود بدر

Nisreen M said...

اولا اشكر كل من شارك بالرأي والتعليق علي المدونة. وكل ما اتمناه ان تصل هذة الصورة الي جميع ارجاء العالم, لتصحيح الصورة المشوشة والتعمية الاعلامية علي هذة الحقائق الضارية...

Nisreen M